6.8510[6.835] Intelligent Multimodal User Interfaces


6.835 will meet via Zoom as scheduled (T/Th 11-12:30 Boston time). Lectures will be recorded and will be available for later viewing for those in time zones incompatible with the class schedule. (The availability of lecture recordings should not be used to enable taking courses that conflict with 6.835. The recordings are meant to accommodate those in distant locations.)

Lecture attendance is required; much of the material in the course is covered in the lectures. Required work includes written assignments in the form of weekly write-ups of assigned papers from the technical literature, four mini-projects, and a term project. The course does not have exams; the work is largely project-based.

Where projects involve teams of 2 or 3 students, the default will be to collaborate via zoom. Better ideas are most welcome.

The course has available a number of Kinect sensors (real-time body pose) and LeapMotion sensors (real-time hand pose) that can be used for term projects. These will be shipped to students as needed.